Safety of Breast Augmentation Surgery
For many women the decision to get breast augmentation is a difficult one because they are worried about the safety of surgery and implants. There are risks with all surgical procedure and these should be discussed with your board certified plastic surgeon. Women should review the safety of breast augmentation and side effect information to allow them to make an educated decision and decide whether the benefits of breast augmentation outweigh the risks.
Risks of Surgery
Anytime you have a surgical procedure there are risks. Anesthesia is administered during surgery, so it is important to give all of your medical history, including current medications and allergies, so that the appropriate doses can be administered. There is also a risk of post-surgical infection, poor scarring, or poor wound healing.
Additional risks of breast augmentation surgery may include:
- Bleeding
- Hematoma
- Changes in sensation
- Capsular contracture (tightening of scar tissue around the implant)
- Accumulation of fluid
- Persistent Pain
If you have serious complications or side effects from the surgery or implants, there is also a risk that the doctor will have to do a second breast revision surgery. Breast implants are not lifetime devices, so there is also a possibility that you could need an additional breast surgery in the future, depending on your age at time of initial implants.
You may also need breast revision surgery in the future if you become pregnant or go through menopause. These times of your life can cause changes in the breast, and implants can sometimes complicate those changes.
Side Effects of Implants
There is some debate about whether or not breast implants can cause illness. Some doctors claim that their patients had “breast implant illness,” for which they recommend removal of the implants. As a general rule, implants are safe and do not cause side effects. You should discuss your concerns with your plastic surgeon.
While leaks and ruptures can happen, they are actually fairly rare. Breast implants are warrantied by the manufacturer and most implants have a lifetime product replacement policy in the event of a rupture. Make sure you keep all of your follow up appointments with your plastic surgeon, and have your breasts examined routinely for health and to check the viability of the implants. These appointments will be routine as long as you have your implants.
If you are thinking about getting breast implants but are worried about the risks, we are happy to answer all of your questions about the safety of breast augmentation. Please contact us today for a consultation.