Three Common Procedures After Extreme Weight Loss
When you go through extreme weight loss, it feels good to have met that accomplishment, but your joy over the weight loss could be tempered by the fact that your body doesn’t reflect your success. Often when you lose a lot of weight, it can leave you with flabbiness and excess skin that is difficult to tone with exercise. Luckily, cosmetic procedures can solve this problem and allow you to enjoy your new thinner self. Here are the three most common cosmetic procedures after extreme weight loss.
Breast Lift
Many women lose volume in their breasts when they lose a lot of weight. Sometimes this can be a good thing, as larger breasts are heavy and can cause back problems and other issues. However, when volume is lost in the breasts, they still remain stretched and begin to sag. A breast lift will remove the excess fat and tissue, move the nipple to a more aesthetic position, and return your breasts to the perkiness you once enjoyed.
Tummy Tuck
If your weight loss journey began at a very high weight, you might find that after extreme weight loss you still have a flap of excess skin and fat at your lower abdomen. This can be difficult to lose with diet and exercise, if not impossible. A tummy tuck removes this excess skin and tissue so that you look as thin as you should after your accomplishment.
No matter how much weight you lose, there will be areas of your body where stubborn fat clings to the body. You may have a few unsightly bulges such as love handles, or at the thighs or hips. Liposuction is a minimally invasive way to remove this excess fat and give you a more pleasing shape.
If you have recently completed your weight loss journey and you are ready to enjoy a thinner, more beautiful body, contact us today for more information or to schedule a consultation.