Living with Breast Implants
When your recovery is over and you have the amazing breasts you’ve always wanted, it can be easy to completely forget about the process you went through to get this body. It can be tempting to just go on with your life and never think of it again. Unfortunately, there are some things about living with breast implants that every woman should know. Here are some examples.
Sleeping in a Bra
Different surgeons have different recommendations for sleeping in a bra or not. It also depends on several factors, including the size of the breasts, the size of the implants, and the patient’s sleeping habits. Your surgeon may recommend that you sleep in a bra, but it is best to ask this question ahead of time so that you are prepared.
Notifying Medical Personnel
After surgery, patients are provided with an implant identification card that lists the manufacturer, size and style of implant. This card should be maintained with your personal health records. When you see your gynecologist for breast exams or you’re scheduled for a mammogram, providing information about your implants will be very helpful for accurate screening for breast issues. You will also want to make sure that you notify medical personnel of your implants if you are in any kind of accident that may have caused a rupture. This includes getting examined after car accidents, which can sometimes be forceful enough to rupture an implant. Make sure that you get an examination any time your breasts undergo trauma. It takes an incredible amount of force to rupture an implant, but it does happen. If there is a risk that it could have happened during your accident, you need to be up front with the medical staff who are treating you.
If you are ready to start your journey to breast augmentation, contact us today for more information or to schedule your consultation.