External Links Policy

www.tampapalmsplasticsurgery.com links to other, external web sites that provide information we determine at our discretion contain the most useful information for our program. While many sites provide very useful information, www.tampapalmsplasticsurgery.com only links to those sites which provide the most useful content.

These links may be changed at any time as more useful sites come to our attention. The sole purpose of any external link is to enrich this site for our customers. All requests for inclusion of a link on this site is first and primarily evaluated with the needs of our customers in mind. Generally, external web sites do not meet the purposes of www.tampapalmsplasticsurgery.com if they contain, suggest, or infer any of the following:

  1. Advocacy of or opposition to any politically, environmentally, or socially controversial subjects, issues, or candidates.
  2. Disparaging or promoting any person or class of persons.
  3. External content not suitable for readers or viewers of all ages, or links to or other promotion of businesses whose products or services are not suitable for persons of all ages.
  4. Promoting or inciting illegal, violent, or socially undesirable conduct.
  5. Promotion or availability of alcohol or tobacco products.
  6. Promotion or availability of illegal drugs.
  7. Promotion or availability of adult or sexually oriented entertainment or materials.
  8. Promotion, opposition, or availability of weapons.
  9. Promotion, opposition, or availability of gambling.
  10. Claims of efficacy, suitability, desirability, or other non-objective statements about businesses, products, or services.
  11. Content that infringes on any trademark, copyright, or patent rights of another.
  12. Claims or representations in violation of advertising or consumer protection laws.
  13. Content that a reasonable citizen may not consider to maintain the dignity and decorum appropriate for government.

This list is a nonexclusive list. The external link policy applies only to web sites outside www.tampapalmsplasticsurgery.com The webmaster shall establish procedures to monitor the implementation and continuing oversight of this policy. These procedures shall include a process for review of all new requests for external content links from www.tampapalmsplasticsurgery.com Web page to another page to ensure compliance with this policy prior to granting the request.

Each request for such a link shall be evaluated using the following guidelines:

Is the content relevant?

Does the site provide information or services, which are not already available or linked to on www.tampapalmsplasticsurgery.com? If not, is the quality of the site comparable to or better than what is already provided?

Is the site well designed, easy to use, cross-browser compliant, and accessible to people with disabilities?

www.tampapalmsplasticsurgery.com reserves the right, at its sole discretion and without explanation, to withdraw at any time any external content for any reason.


Sidebar Contact

I love Tampa Palms Plastic Surgery ~ Dr. Moseillo, Mary, Nancy & Paula. I had breast cancer and reconstruction with Dr. Moseillo several years ago and knew I would never let anyone perform surgery on me other than him. I decided I wanted to do an Upper Blepharoplasty (upper eyelid surgery). I had the surgery a few months ago, am now at my summer home in Maine and everyone is commenting on how great I look. They have no idea that I had anything done! I keep hearing, “you have amazing eyes”. I am so thrilled with the results, feel 10 years younger and if you’re thinking about this procedure, or any other for that matter, do not hesitate to go to Tampa Palms

Tammy Ahearn

Dr. Mosiello, plain and simply put , is the BEST ! I did a lot of research and he was the one I chose and am very thankful and grateful that I did, as I had consulted with other plastic surgeons from other cancer centers. Dr. Mosiello surpassed in every area. He and his staff truly care and are warm, friendly, compassionate and knowledgeable. Which takes the stress out of any pre surgery or procedure. Knowing you have the best surgeon in your corner is the most important part. Post surgical procedures look amazing and he has saved my life, and has made me whole again. Look no further, he IS the best.

Stacy Kurnot

Dr. Mosiello taught me how to live again after having breast cancer. His staff is truly a blessing. He is an amazing artist and a wonderful Doctor and friend.

Susan Harrigan

I came to Dr. Mosiello’s practice as a reluctant patient who had just been given the diagnosis of breast cancer. I have been in several doctors’ office’s during my diagnosis and treatment and Dr. Mosiello’s office is my favorite. He is a very kind, competent surgeon who patiently answered questions and explained things fully. I was given clear post op directions and checked on by the nurse before my first post op visit and someone was always available if I had a question or concern. His staff is amazing! Melissa, Paula, Mary and Carol are all very personable and caring. This is also an office where I did not wait long periods of time to be seen. Things run smoothly and timely. I would highly recommend Dr. Mosiello to anyone in need of a plastic surgeon.

Melissa H

Dr. Mosiello is an absolute pleasure and privilege to have when in circumstances requiring his knowledge and care. His staff are fantastic as well, all welcoming with a kind smile. Highly recommend this is a doctor and team you can put your trust in.
