What to Expect the Day of Breast Augmentation Surgery
You have met with the doctor, had your consultation, and had a pre-op appointment, and now it is time for your breast augmentation surgery! This journey has likely been an exciting one up to this point, but it is important that you have reasonable expectations for the day of your surgery. Here’s what you need to know.
Getting to the Surgical Center
You will want to plan to arrive at the surgical center where your procedure will take place at least an hour before the procedure is scheduled. This is to give the nurses time to prepare you for surgery. You will also meet with an anesthesiology team (if you haven’t already met with them prior to your surgery) and they will go over your medical history and discuss with you your past experiences with general anesthesia.
Going to the Operating Room
Most patients don’t remember much after entering the operating room. Once there, the anesthesiologist will administer the anesthesia, usually through an IV drip. Soon after the IV is started, you will be unconscious, and the surgery will begin. The procedure only takes about an hour.
Leaving the Surgery Center
When you leave the surgery center, you will still be under the influence of anesthesia, and you will be unable to drive yourself home. As preparation, you should have had someone lined up to take you to the surgery, stay with you while there, and drive you home afterwards.
What To Expect At Home
Because you were under anesthesia and this is an outpatient procedure, you will need to have someone stay with you for the first 24 hours after your surgery. The person that is with you during the procedure will be given instructions about signs to watch for as you begin your recovery.